Good mood inspires healthy food choices

Good mood inspires healthy food choices




In January 2014 American pshychologists (M. Gardenr etc) published results of their study that analyzed peoples' food choices. Study analyzed when people are focused on lovely flavor, when are they considering their health and wish to be active and healthy in older age, and make better food choices because of that. 


As result of this study pshychologists concluded that choice of menu is strongly connected to a person's mood. When people are in a good mood, they make healthier food choices. When in bad mood, people tend to choose sweet and fatty food - chips, wine and sweet drinks. Therefore it's important to consider that mood and emotional state have strong influence on food choices. 


Positive attitude and good mood brings the wish to keep your health, so that there are less health problems in older age. Happy mood makes people think of the future.


Another important factor is time - when people have time, they think more about food's health benefits and choose better recipes and prepare healtier meals. 




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